A start to finish guide on blogging about money, including web hosting, anonymity and Wordpress features I BET you don't use! Plus, 7 plugins that you should be using now, and a bunch of resources I'm sure you'll like. :)
Also: A 40-50% off discount code for web hosting.
$9.97 - Buy the E-Book! (Instant download)Blogging about money (or, quite frankly, anything) is incredibly fun and rewarding. Though daunting at first, it becomes easier after finding your rhythm. This ebook helps you get that rhythm.
In this ebook, you'll learn:
There is science behind writing well for the web. This ebook will teach you how to write so people want to read.
Your email list contains your most prized possessions - loyal readers! Learn to use your email list to get the most out of your audience.
Do you like free stuff? Most bloggers do! This ebook provides excellent sources to download free images for your blog posts.
Consider the pros and cons of moderating the comments on your blog and learn what settings within Wordpress help to achieve that.
Learn about Wordpress features that most - even the most seasoned Wordpress blogger, probably doesn't know about.
Need a hard copy for future reference? This ebook was designed to be printed nicely on regular-sized paper available anywhere.
Hi everyone! It's me, Steve, the author of this ebook. I have over 20 years experience designing and developing web sites of all different kinds. In 2014, I started my own money blog at ThinkSaveRetire.com to chronicle our journey toward early retirement. After retiring at 35, it didn't take too long before blogging about money became my passion. In this ebook, I teach you exactly what you need to know to blog about money, and be darn happy while doing it! Do you like being happy?
Personal Finance Blogger, Author, Eater of Tacos